Logistics and Admin
We always need support in coordinating and organising our many deliveries, as well as keeping on top of the administrative tasks – rotas, packing lists and more! – that ensure we can keep going. This is great for anyone who wants an ongoing responsibility rather than shift-based hours.
Graphic Design
You would help create graphics for print and web as requested by other OMA teams. We have lots of pre-prepared resources available, including all our standard image assets and a style guide, so you would not be starting from scratch! Experience creating designs for printed leaflets and posters, web platforms, etc. is needed.
Fundraising & Grantwriting
You would work with the fundraising director in writing grants, contacting new donors and working on a variety of fundraising projects - this is a truly flexible role, and can be driven very much towards your areas of expertise/interest. New suggestions, ideas and projects are always welcome!
OMA relies on constant community fundraising, and our costs are ever-rising - so this is a crucial role.
Case Manager
You would join the OMA team who help support people in our community who have additional needs, such as homelessness, experiences of abuse, or who are experiencing a crisis of some kind. You would be a point of contact for the person we are supporting, providing support and signposting, and helping organise food deliveries as needed.
Experience providing this nature of support is essential. Dependent on how many cases you are helping with, this would take 3+ hours a week at times to suit you/the people you are supporting, as well as a monthly team meeting.
Social Media Support
You would work within a buzzing team to create new and exciting social media campaigns, working to support the work of OMA as well as other groups providing support to individuals across the country!
Phones Team
Every week we phone up the regular parcel recipients to check how they are and what they need that week.
Phone volunteers call from their own phones (with identity blocked) and you can do this anytime from 10am – 8pm. Standard shifts are 15 calls, but you can do just 5 or 10: it all helps! If you don’t get through first time, we try one more time. 15 calls takes about an hour. OMA’s co-ordinators will follow up those you couldn’t contact and any other individual concerns.
The rota comes round each week, and you can sign up for a regular shift or sign up ad-hoc each week. We provide training for volunteers but basic knowledge of spreadsheets is required. Other volunteers are available to offer support and help during the shift.
You can register your interest to volunteer by completing this form below:
What can oma Offer you?
OMA is all about volunteers, and we:
Provide a safe environment, in line with our regularly reviewed safeguarding policies for adults
We have a volunteer debriefing system where you can talk through worries or concerns any time, which you can find on the form above
Can provide references
Connect volunteers to training on different topics of interest such as domestic abuse, mutual aid values, etc.
Helps you to build new skills and experiences
Foster a sense of community